Worth The Wait

9:14:00 PM Valencia Ng 4 Comments

It feels weird to write again.
Moreover, it feels weird to write about you again 
I promised myself not to write to you nor about you again.
But, you see, here's the bigger picture..

Recently, I had a dream
In my dream we were preparing ourselves for a journey
Journey, huh? That one word that you used to love
But actually it was like a trip with our closest friends to faraway cities
And somehow the plan was I would go with you to the destination
With you, my fellow traveler..
We agreed to meet at the set time
You'd pick me up at my home at noon
Our friends already went there before us 
I told them that I'd arrive later, with you, of course
However, at the set time, I wasn't ready
I was in such a hurry,
I didn't prepare myself the night before
I put my clothes and my stuffs randomly to my bag
Because simply I couldn't wait to go with you
Because I thought you'd arrive to my home at that set time
At the time I asked you to
I waited and waited and waited
I started to sweat nervously 
I moved and circled around the room
I began to go upstairs and I waited there
Seconds turned to minutes that turned to hours
They began to tell me that you wouldn't come, anyway
But, well, I don't know why, in my dream I did not lose hope
Even though the fact told me the otherwise, 
there's a tiny part in me that still believed you'd come
Instead of giving up, I started to unpack my belongings 
All the things that were not meant for the journey
I started to leave it all behind 
I began to put all the things, and I repacked everything
I even changed the outfits that I wore
I tried to seek the more decent dress 
I could say it was the best dress that I've ever had
I made myself ready 
And... just when I started to put on that dress
The people in my home shouted your name from downstairs
You came......... eventually. 
And it was worth the wait 
I didn't get the chance to see your face in that dream when I finally woke up
I asked God why it's your name all over again, when I know I finally let you go
Why it's the same name that's been haunting me for years
Is it true that I'll end up with you, or probably the one with the same name,
or probably someone whom I haven't met yet
You see, I dream a lot in my sleep, but usually I don't remember any of it
But when I woke up that day, the dream lingered on
It reminded me of us, to be honest, the years that spent on waiting
Waiting for you to come home while you were on your own journey
The thing is, I was so young at that time,
And like that dream, I was still unprepared
What's the point if you came earlier? I wasn't ready anyway...
We might end up bringing the belongings that are not meant for the journey
I might end up not giving and presenting my very best
The reason that it was your name that showed up,
I can't say if it's going to be you.... it might be someone else
All I can say is now I can clearly see why you came to my life
Waiting for you taught me and prepared me to wait for something bigger
Which is... waiting for God.... to be the church ready as His bride
Waiting for God also means to wait for Him to reveal His plan in my life
Step by step, one by one, all of it, including you
However, during that time, the best thing to do is to prepare the very best
Doing things that I've been doing for awhile now
Prepare the land, as if it's going to rain even in the drought
There are things I've been praying for, I'm struggling with,
All the things that made me forget about you at the first place
All the calling, all the missions, all the paths have yet to come
It takes a little patience, it takes a lot of faith
When it's the time, it will not be too early nor too late
From that dream, I knew... I just knew that you'll show up eventually
You will. I'm sure of that. Even if it's not 'you' that I wanted
But you will.
You will be the best friend and the best fellow traveler ever
To travel with me as two pilgrims in this life.
It's going to be amazing. It's going to be exciting.
It's not going to be easy.....
But it's going to be worth all the waiting :)


  1. Replies
    1. nyahaha abis tumben mimpinya meaningful ga yang random2 gitu hahaha aku share deh :3 makasiiiii lho :"

  2. Just wanna share this with you which idk why but it hit me hard too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtjWiH2Dkis

    Maybe, this fellow traveler of yours will be there to walk again with you to another journey! :)

    1. Hey you! Thank you for the song and thank you for your word! So kind of you :)


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