The Plan B

1:32:00 AM Valencia Ng 4 Comments

It was a nice afternoon.
The sun lit beautifully from the huge windows. We sat on the swing set and on the table where there was a small hill made of mixed-shaved ice. It was cozy, lazy afternoon but it was nice.

We were just talking and chit-chatting. About how things will end up, how it will start the next semester, talking about my internship this summer, and also about her internship. We were talking about the probabilities and all. I told her about my struggles to pick my ministry, my job, my future, and all. So many things to consider. I told her that I was the one who always thinks too far. Who always expects too much. But always prepares the worst.

Then she asked me this question :
" Are you the type of person who prepares for the Plan B?" 

I think for a few seconds before this answer popped out of my mouth.
"Well, what I can say, UPH was my plan B, after all....."

I stopped for a while, she waited for me, then I continued,
"But it turned out to be the best plan B I've ever had...."

It was. It is. I can't believe that it's almost at the end of my journey here in this campus. I was freaked out earlier today to find that my friend's brother is going to university this year when he just went to high school as we stepped into our university's life. Time just flies.

But in the last three years, after all those memorable and meaningful years, I've realized that what I thought was a plan B, or plan C, or even plan Z was actually a plan A all along. God never made mistake where He put you, or where He put me. There must be a reason....

Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to go to UPH since I was a kid. But during the summer before high school, when I was faced with so many goodbyes and my friends flew overseas to continue their study.....I wanted to go there too. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to study overseas. I tried and tried and tried. And I put down my plan to UPH and made it as a backup plan. But now I'm  here. And I can't think any better university that I'd attend. If I went to study overseas or ended up in another university, I'd never encounter God the way that I've been here in this campus. I wouldn't meet some of my closest friends today. I wouldn't meet some inspiring lecturers or even some of the classes that will change the way I think forever. My life would be interesting, but in so much different way.

This isn't a paid promotion or an endorsement from my campus. It's not. It's a reminder for me as I now make so many plans in my life for my internship, study-plan before graduation, counting and re-counting the possibility, try to apply to serve and all.... that it wasn't my plan after all. That God's plan is so much better. That my Plan-B might be a Plan A at the end. I might be a planner, the type of person who calculates and recalculates her life with pie-charts, to-do-list, random excels, journal-writing, and all. But God knows best. He has been a Father for a long time. What kind of father who doesn't prepare the best for his daughter?

This year as I hold on to the vision of the "Wonderful Unknown", I've learned that I still have so much to learn. I have seen that I can only trust the unseen with Creator who made it all. Who am I, nothing, actually. Last month I've been reminded that I, the unplanned one turned out to be the plan after all. This time, about the second, backup plan, actually a better plan the ones that I've made. I know God made no mistake.  I gotta hold on to that faith. And I know this year will be wonderful. It won't be easy. It will challenging. But it will be wonderful.

I know that. 

So give me another alphabet, I'm ready for another the plan Bs.

Surprise me, Lord.


  1. Niceeeee! Itu yg sm aku bukaan? :3

    1. sama eldaaa! wkwkwkw. aku makan es serut lagi HAHA. yg es campur tp :")

    2. lah emangnya kamu pernah nanya itu? hahaa


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