
2:27:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

Lord, barely I can wait
But You tell me to wait anyway
Simply because You have the perfect plan
Right now I can't see, but I believe You're already there
And years from now I will look back and it will all make sense
I'd probably laugh at this post anyway.
I already stop searching. I stop insisting. I stop wondering. But...
Tonight he crossed my mind out of nowhere
I'm praying for him, now, wherever he is now, whatever he does
Whoever he is.
I'm curious, do I already know him?
Is he someone that is close to me right now?
Or someone I just met on the crossroads and barely talk?
I'm thankful that right now You prepare him
That in each step I believe now he's growing to be more like You
Mold him to whatever You want him to be
I hope he loves You more than he can ever love me
I'm thankful that now, you also put me in this process
So when the time is right, both of us are ready for each other
Lord, when the time is right, lead him as he will lead others
Make us to always, always have that heart to serve
How he loves his children enough one day to realize
that he'll bear Your image as father, but by grace,
he will also realize that the perfect father can only be found in You
Together we will build Your kingdom in our family
Together we will tell our children Your goodness as we tuck them to sleep
Together we will grow old and see our children grow up as they preach their lives
Together we will, hand in hand, pray together and pray each other
Seeking Your presence before we start each day
I barely can wait, but You tell me to wait anyway
And I will wait.
Still I will serve. Still I will worship. Still I will pray.
Thank you that You're still protecting him
I hope he has nice sleep tonight.


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