Challenge Accepted - part II

1:53:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

Melanjutkan hasil dari blog challenge summer lalu. 

#7 What is your dream job, and why? 
Dulu gw bermimpi menjadi graphic designer. Semakin gw besar, gw sadar gw pengen lebih. Gw pengen menjadi seorang "artist"/designer yang memberi kontribusi ke komunitas gw, gw pengen jadi penulis, gw pengen keliling dunia, dan gw pengen jadi ibu yang baik. Gw pengen bikin sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan journal - entah itu designnya, tokonya, museumnya. Dan gw ingin jadi history maker, entah gimana. Gaada kerjaan yang spesifik bisa memenuhi kriteria gw itu, that's why I have to invent it :)

#8 What are 5 passions you have
- Art and design
- Literature
- Philosophy
- History
- Food

#9 10 People who have influenced me and how 

- Mama - she taught me to be strong 
- My parents - for simply being there, for everything
- My sisters - they taught me to be all-out kind of girl. they taught me reality, and pretty sure influenced me for all the decisions I've ever made in my life
- Ko A*** - guru les gambar gw yang dulu suka ngedebat sejarah etc etc dari gw masih kelas 3 SD
- K - he simply inspired me, somehow. He made me love photoshop :p
- R**** - for telling me that I'm the worst designer ever. It made me stay motivated
- Babeh - guru smp seni yang mengajarkan banyakkkkk hal 
- Helen fielding - for creating bridget jones and somehow made me question about love and life

#10 Describe my most embarassing moment
Hmmm. Susah. Waktu itu SPLASH, semacam acara olahraga dengan tema lingkungan gitu di SMP gw. terus gw jadi panitia dan tiba2 hujan dan semua peserta dan panitia berteduh di tengah lapangan. Gw lari - lari menyelamatkan barang dan tiba-tiba kepleset di tengah lapangan dan pada ketawa. Gitu aja sih. Hahahhaha. 

#11 10 Pet Peeves
- Manusia yang bilang gw sibuk
- Manusia yang menggunakan "sibuk" sebagai alasan
- "I told you..."
- only "read" messages
- "k."
- manusia yang pura-pura mendengarkan
- cancelled plans
- auto-correct at my nokia phone. 
- to simply be forgotten
- too-good-to-be-true movies

#12 Describe a typical day in my current life
kalau ga libur ya : 
- Bangun kesiangan - mandi etc
- Ke kampus
- Pulang, biasanya main2 dulu kalo gaada tugas. Kalo ada tugas sih langsung pulang
- Rapat (hanya hari - hari tertentu)
- Ke mall. Beli makanan buat mingguan atau alat gambar atau sekedar jalan pulang. 
- Sampe rumah - masak - makan - mandi - ngegabut buka social media etc etc 
- Ngerjain tugas
- Ngerjain deadline

#13 5 weaknesses I have 
- Very, very insecure
- Moody
- So good at procrastinating
- Perfectionism (it is both good and bad, I guess)
- Indecisive

#14 5 strengths I have
- Intra-personal Skills
- I forgive people easily
- photographic memory
- plan, plan, plan
- perfectionism (once again, it is both good and bad)

#15 if you were an animal, what would I be and why
UNICORN! hahahahha idk, i never think about it

#16 5 greatest accomplishments 
well, this is hard
- 3rd class honors - international certificate - international year of rice
- nilai sempurna untuk mata kuliah kimia. kenapa? karena setahun sebelumnya hampir ga naik kelas karena kimia juga :p 
- best program by BEM UPH
- harapan 1 se DKI Jakarta - lomba menggambar 
- gatau mana lagi yang lebih penting mana yang enggak hahahahahhaha

#17 The thing you most wish you were great at
Hmmm, social skills and appreciating myself

#18 the most difficult thing I have had to forgive
I .... don't know.......I think, the hardest one is forgiving myself for being such a jerk

#19 If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why
London, I guess. I love it. Or maybe Rome or New York. It sounds cliche, I know....

#20 3 significant memories from my childhood
- Di rumah gw itu tinggal keluarga besar. Dulu sering banget main ama sepupu gw terus ngegeratakin rumah. Mulai dari bikin perosotan raksasa dari kasur, main ice - skating pake kaos kaki sama bedak di lantai, main sok bikin tv show dan drama gitu. banyak lah, intinya ga pernah sepi tuh rumah
- Gw pernah mecahin barang nyokap bokap. Terus mereka lagi pergi gitu. Yang gw lakukan kemudian adalah nunggu di tempat mama dan nunggu nyokap pulang. waktu itu kamar nyokap gw pintunya masih geser gitu. terus pas mereka pulang, gw lari ke depan kamar mereka, dan bilang gw punya surprise gitu. terus dengan suara super duper happy gw teriak "SURPRISEEEEE" dan nyokap gw ampe speechless ga bisa marah
- pernah kebakaran rumah gw. waktu itu gw masih tk

#21 If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first? 
REGENERATION HAHAHAH just kidding i got it for my final assignment
Hmm, "flying" or "teleportation", maybe.... that way I can go to all the places I want without worrying about money. 
Or "time travel", i think that might be niceee

#22 Where do I see myself in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years
- 5 years
living myself to the fullest in a faraway country, a big city. living all by myself or with room-mate/bestie, pursuing career, or going to mission trips. Traveling all around the world, meet new people, try all the things I haven't tried before. Stop caring what people think. Start finding myself and figuring things out along the way
- 10 years
Start settling down. Have a good income, good future-husband, and a home. But still pursuing career, social work, and traveling, a little less than before
- 15 years
Both mom and wife :) 

#23 5 hobbies and why I love them 
- Writing 
As simple as : "If I don't write, I get mad" - Lord byron
- Reading
It takes myself to a whole new perspective. and the exciting part is, you don't know that the next book you read MAY change your life forever :)
- Walking
It is my therapy. It brings me back to good mood again when I'm too angry or sad. 
- Hanging out with my friends
I love them, and .... why not? 
- Art, art, art
Because.......... I'm loving it! 

#24 My family dynamic of my childhood vs now
Tidak banyak yang berubah kalau dari orang tua sih. Kalau dari kakak mungkin berubah. Kalau dulu kakak gw berdua lebih deket gitu karena umur mereka deket dan gw kayak kecil sendiri dan suka main sendiri. Sekarang lebih sendiri-sendiri gitu dan lebih seringnya mereka curhat ke kita. Dan sekarang semenjak keponakan2 gw tinggal di rumah gw ga berasa jadi anak paling kecl lagi

#25 If I could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat. 
Hmmmm. Banyak. Gimana dong? 

#26 What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong
the whole perspective about christians and feminism. about abortion, and about mental illness. 

#27 What is your favorite part of your body and why
Eyes, maybe. Kecuali mereka sedang sensitif hahahahhaa. Karena dengannya gw bisa melihat segala sesuatu, dan sebagai designer dan orang yang suka baca itu penting sekaliiii

#28 What is your love language
Quality time! 

#29 What do you think people misunderstand most about you
Kata mereka gw sibuk. Dan tidak bertanggung jawab. 
Biasanya tuh orang akan selalu underestimate gw, mungkin dari ukuran badan dsb. tapi ketika kenal gitu biasanya mereka overestimate dan kemudian kecewa gitu. Gatau. mungkin gw emang jago ngecewain orang. 

#30 10 things you would hope to be remembered for
- A history maker
- A journal junkie
- An art admirer
- A traveler
- An inspiring writer
- An aspiring public figure
- A good friend
- A daughter who make my parents proud
- A mom
- A remarkable human-being


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