
12:04:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

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The moon and the sun will never be
So you walk aimlessly every afternoon
asking yourself “what if?” and
“What happened?”
You always kick the rocks in front of you, thinking that you could send it somewhere–
Near a tree, near a bench, or near a river,
but not on the doomed place you are now.
You ask yourself why you keep
on writing about the person you love,
without your hands getting numb,
or without your ribs getting broken.
You wonder what will happen to the
words never said, to the wishes
never heard, and to the desires
never expressed.
You keep on walking at the
road all alone while everybody’s hand
is occupied.
Then you remember that the Sun and
The Moon never meet;
they keep on haunting and following
each other, embracing and nearly
kissing each other’s skin but they really never collided with each other–
no union involved.
Because some people are not meant
to stay,
Some of them just visit to give
us a blanket of darkness; thus,
illuminating our brightness.
Some of them just visit to get from
us a fraction of lightness so that they
can shine too.
Some of them just visit to teach
us that brightness and darkness always collide, and the aftermath of the collision will either bring constellation
Made of someone’s smiles,
or dark holes made by someone’s tears.
But you must remember
that the people we want are not the people we need;
and that the people who hurt us will lead us to the people who will love us.
Everything will be in place at the right time,
the planets will soon fall into a straight line–
and you–your heartaches, your mistakes, your imperfections and all the tears you cried will fall perfectly into the right place
for the person who will make you believe that love is worth it,
and that sunday evenings with that person are perfect versions of paradise.
The sun and the moon will never be one;
but remember that eclipses
happen for those who
—󾭍margemargo, “Why I Love Eclipses”  (via wordsnquotes)
(Source:, via wordsnquotes)


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