9:18:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

I knew for a really long time,
I grew up as an insecure girl
But, really,
I wonder if I ever be good enough
If I ever be happy enough
Or whether my soul will be understood
When, and more importantly, how am I going to die,
Will my dreams come true,
Or will I be disappointed again,
How can I be a good friend,
when I'm just nearly depressed like this?
How can I be a good daughter and sister,
when I know what I want is not what they think
How can I help people, when I just can't help myself,
How can I be overwhelmed when I'm almost empty,
How can I ever be deep, or inspiring,
when I know how shallow I can be
What if they see me the way I see myself?

So many questions left unanswered
But I just stopped looking for answers.


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