The fault in our reality

12:45:00 PM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

I seriously wonder if this world will be a better place if we're completely be honest to each other. At one side, I know I'm completely terrified by my own thoughts, what is going to happen if they know my thoughts? But at the other side, I guess I'm just not into reading between the lines anymore? I have a gift to read implicitly but I guess I'm not interested to decode all these signs anymore

Girls blame guys because usually as we say, guys send the mixed-signals. One moment he's into you, then the next moment he acts like he doesn't care. Girls blame themselves because they expect too much, so they try anything they can to protect their hearts. Guys call it 'jual mahal'. Guys blame girls because they think girls send mixed-signals. So, what's wrong, why can't we be honest? 

I guess both sides try to protect their hearts. Hurt people hurt people. It's the never ending cycle. I think the jerk is just someone who once was hurt by someone else. I guess we weren't born to disappoint others. But life gets in the way, and sometimes, disappointment happens. 

Idk why I started to write this post as a joke, but the more I write, it's getting more serious. The reason why I wrote this because I was too random last night and I asked my best friends (the guys, Mike & Mayer) about how do we know if someone likes us or not? Do guys have the same method to obviously catch a girl, or what? How do you separate 'good guys' or 'guys who like the girls' and vice versa. The discussion starts from there. 

Then..... I see this. 

Mayer :  Cwo tuh tindakannya sesuai dg respon cwe.  Cwo itu adaptif terhadap respon cwe 
Me :  bukannya cewek respond ssuai tindakan cowok?

NAH LHO. HAHAHAH. I laughed out loud when I read this. Seriously, though. We had a further debate later. Maybe that's why. People both wait to start the first move. This made me wonder if actually how many people out there who were disappointed just because they waited for each other when they actually had similar feelings.

HAHAHA. Okay, seriously. This is funny. And sad, at the same time. How stupid and messed up our society is. Will this world become a better place if we just stop complicate things and say what you really need to say? Maybe not about dating but everything. If there is a problem, you talk straight to the internal, not external. If you're hurt, you say it. That's all what it takes. 

I'll end this random post with my favorite quote

If you are going to love me, love me deeply.
If your going to break my heart, then break it all.
If you're going to care, care for me completely.
If you decide not to hold me, then just let me fall.
If you are going to stay, then stay forever.
And if you want to leave, then do it today.
If you are going to change, then change for the better.
And if you are going to talk, then please mean what you say


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