Jesus wants all of me

12:44:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

About 13 years ago, my pastor gave me a devotional book for children because I've finished a thick children's bible book. The title is, "Jesus wants all of me", based on Oswald Chambers' My Utmost to His Highest. The book taught about grace and salvation. I didn't understand the whole concept back then, but this book helped me a lot in my teenage years, about 2 -3 years ago. I was in a deep struggle. Now I want to quote some of them. :) Here it goes. Hope you are blessed.

“I can trust God. My heart does not have to be a junk drawer full of worries and doubts. In every big, scary thing - in every little, ordinary thing - I can trust Him. I don’t have to be afraid”

“Why do I feel this way? Why can’t I understand myself? I just don’t know. But Jesus knows. He knows even when I don’t. Maybe something is wrong. Maybe I need to change. I will let Jesus change my heart”

“God knows what will happen tomorrow. He knows where I will be. He knows what I will do. I don’t have to worry. I am in good hands. I am in God’s hands!”

“I am born again. Jesus made everything new. I can do fun things. I can do difficult things. And I can enjoy them both. God’s love is alive in my heart. When I am close to God I never feel bored”

“Lord, You’ve given me so much - so much that I can’t even see You anymore! Maybe I should stop looking at all the good things You’ve given me. Maybe I should set all this stuff aside and just start looking for You.”

“God has my heart. He will take care of me. I will always have everything I need. It’s just that simple. Thank You, Lord”

“I did it my way. I thought of everything by myself. I did all the work. I didn’t ask anyone for help. And I was wrong! Oh Lord, I’m so sorry. I should have done it Your way”

“Oh Lord, I’ve made such a mess of things. Everyone is angry. Everything is ruined. My way doesn’t work. I don’t want my way anymore. Please show me Your way”

“Oh, I can be good! I can look good. I can sound good. I can do good things. And that’s good! But God doesn’t care how good I act on the outside. He wants me to know Jesus on the inside”

“I can’t love them! They’ve done too many bad things! But Jesus loves even people who do bad things. They are His children. I’ve done bad things too, but Jesus made me good. I will tell them that Jesus loves them”

“Sometimes I get tired of being good. I feel worn out. But that’s alright. God understands how I feel. He will help me to be good, even when I’m tired”

“I am so very busy sometimes! I must do this! I must do that! What’s that, Lord? What did You say? Speak up! I can’t hear You! Oops! I have to go now. Give me a call sometime, I’d really love to talk to You. Bye!” 

“I give up! I am frustrated. My dreams will never come true. But God says, “Try again”. He says, “Get up”. He will help me. He will make them real. But first I must get up”

“When I’m selfish I break God’s heart. But Jesus forgives me. He spread out His arms and died for me. People may hurt me. They may even make me cry. But that’s okay. I hurt Jesus. But He died to take my sins away. He forgave me. I will forgive the people who hurt me”

“I want to tell them about Jesus. But what if they get mad at me? What if they laugh? What if they won’t love me anymore? Oh, who cares if they love me or not? I love them. And I want them to know Jesus”

“You want me to do what, God? I can’t do that! It will never work! And how will I ever get it done? Oh God, when will I ever learn to trust You? And how long will it be before I realize that You can do what I cannot” 

“Why do I feel this way? Why does it hurt so much? Why won’t anyone help? Maybe I should try to be strong. Maybe I should just try to do this by myself. No! I feel too empty inside. Only Jesus can help. he is God Almighty. And I will look to Him”

“Where God can use me? What does He want me to do? I am good at many things. Things that would be very useful. But God does not care if I’m useful. He wants me to love Him. He wants me to be His”

“God has a job for me. So I will do it! I may not be the very best. I may not always get it right. It may not go the way I planned. But God isn’t worried about that. He just wants me to do it. He wants me to show Him I love Him”

“What does God want? What is God’s will? God’s will is me! And He has set me free. I am not afraid to decide. Jesus loves me. If I’m wrong, He will show me. And I will stop”

“God’s love is like a fire burning in my heart. It lights up every dreary place. It melts the coldest frozen heart. Its gentle warmth and beautiful fragrance are the light and life of every plain old, bald, and boring day”

“I can’t do that anymore. It’s not really bad. it’s not really wrong. But it just doesn’t feel right. I guess it’s okay for other people. But when I do it, I feel like I’ve been broken God’s heart. I’m just not going to do that anymore”

“I know what God wants. But how will I do it? I can study and plan. I can think through the good and bad. But that is not faith. I don’t understand. But God does. I can trust Him. He loves me. I will do what He says. I feel happy inside when I follow Him.”

“I will pray for her. I will not get angry. I will not talk behind her back. I think something must be wrong. Something is breaking her heart. i will ask god to help her. I know God has a plan for her life. And He wants me to help - He wants me to pray for her”

“Where did God go? Why isn’t He blessing my plans? How can I trust Him if He won’t bless me? How can I trust Him if He won’t make me happy? How can I say that I love Him when all I care about are His blessing? 

“Jesus was born to die on the cross. It was not an accident. Jesus went there on purpose. He went there for me”

“Why am I worried? Why am I afraid? Why do I think that God will forget about me? Oh Lord, please forgive me! You have not forgotten me, but I have forgotten You”

“Here are my hands, Lord. Use them to make something beautiful. And here is my heart, too. Help me to fall in love with You. Help me not to love the good things I do more than I love You.”

“I’m just not in the mood right now. I know what I need to do. And I don’t really wan’t to do it. But I will do it. God gave me His best. So I will give Him my best. Even when I feel like I do today”

“God is greater than the greatest thing I will ever do. He is more valuable than any good thing that will ever be put into my hands. I will stop worrying so much about things. I will give Jesus my heart”

“Sometimes I want my own way. I want God to do what I want. I want Him to make people act the way I want them to. I need to stop being so stubborn. I need to be more like Jesus”

“Do I like to point out other people’s faults? Jesus says, “don’t”. God can do that without hurting. But I am not God. When I point out every tiny, little thing that is wrong with my friend, I can be sure that there is still a great, big, ugly thing wrong with me”

“Did Jesus say ‘come’? Then I will come. I won’t ask around to see what other people think. Do they know better than God? Of course not. How silly! And neither do I. So look out, Jesus - here I come”

“Am I sure of myself? Or am I sure of God? God has been so good. Together we have done and seen amazing things. But I must never begin to trust in the things I’ve done. Those things are good. But they are not good.”

“She says she is happy without Jesus. She does not want to change. That’s not so strange. Anyone can be happy without Jesus. Jesus did not die to make me happy. Jesus died to make me His. He died to bring me home. He died to take away my selfishness and make me full of love. Sometimes that hurts. Sometimes it doesn’t make me happy at all. But I want to be friends with Jesus more than I want anything else”

“Am I trying to be the perfect Christian? Am I working hard to put on a pretty show? If my heart is set on me, people will be drawn to me. But if I give my heart to Jesus, people will be drawn to Him”

“Seasons will change. Friends will come and go. But one thing will always stay the same. Jesus loves me. He set me free. My roots grow strong and deep down to Him”

“Once I couldn’t see Jesus. I wanted to have lots of things. I wanted people to like me. I wanted everyone to do what I said. But something happened, I put all that down. And now I can see. Now I can see Jesus”

“I am ready, Lord. Ready to do something so great and big and amazing. Ready to do something so small that no one will ever notice. Here I am. You can send me.”

“Oh God, I have made so many mistakes. I want to be good. I want to do the right thing. Why can’t I do it? Why is it so hard? Over and over again I fail. But You reach out Your hand. You take me in Your arms. Your tender love melts my fear away. Oh God, You are so big. And I am so small. Please forgive me, I want to be like You”


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