This is it.

1:54:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

I guess I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
Tired of waiting my life away, for the imaginary place called 'future'
All these what should-have-beens and the what-ifs,
Tired of aching, hurting, and being disappointed
Tired of being let down by my own expectations
Tired of beating myself out with my own insecurities
Tired of being absorbed in mundane activities and hectic schedules
Tired of being restricted by authorities
Tired of being haunted by regrets and griefs
Tired of being put into some standards of 'good girl'
Tired of trying to be perfect
I'm so fed up, and I'm feeling so empty

So maybe, this is it.
I may never deny my own true self
There's a chance I will stay the same
I know I will not change overnight
It takes time, a lot of time,
Maybe it will take a week, a month, a year, a decade, a lifetime,
I may fail, I may fall, I may give up once or more
This will be a painful process
But now I take the risk
to accept the reality as it is
and make the best of it

I'm going to make the rest of my life, the best of my life
I'm going to be a history maker
I'm going to live to the fullest,
I'm going to taste, spit, swallow every moment of my life
Both happy and sad parts of me, my bittersweet reality

To leave my own comfort zone
To be a woman I'm meant to be
To save myself from my own dragons
To become doers of my dreams
To become imperfect human being

To start living a live I've always imagined

To design.......... a life I love.

This is the line where it all started
This is it.


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