more than words ...

4:07:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

I want to talk to you, but I'm afraid you don't want me to say anything ..... So I don't
hemm .. what am I supposed to do ? 
if you don't even wanna talk to me ..~~ 
kata temen2 gw (khususnya yang cowok), it's okay kalo cewek2 mulai ngajak ngomong duluan. hemm .... yap, and gw juga pengen banget ngajak ngomong lu .. 
oh please ... gw bingung kenapa kalo kita ngomong langsung, kita bisa nyambung banget. sedangkan dengan sms, fb, dll, ada yang ............. beda ? 
argh, kayak katanya si Raditya Dika, kalo lagi fall in love,seakan2 semua kata itu jadi penting, seakan satu kata aja bisa bikin lu jadi ilfeel or ninggalin gw .. hufft... :(( 
I'm afraid, lu ga bales message gw, or at least, lu cuek nanggepinnya :(
okay2, gw tau lu sibuk. lu tau gw juga... sibuk banget malah. hemm .. we talked about this, right ? lu bahkan dulu ga percaya kalo lu bakal sesibuk ini. kalo liat dari keadaan sekarang, what do you think ? separate lives ? ..... hemm i miss the past. do you spend your life, going back in your mind to THAT TIME ? 

But inside of me there are words waiting to come out.And tell you how I feel-like how I miss you. And how I love you despite my broken heart.And how I need you in my life. And especially how much I want you. 
  yep, ini salah satunya ga enaknya jadi cewek. susah buat ngomong duluan..
argh .... -____-" just read this, and you'll know this one is for you .... 
kadang2, somehow, gw ngerasa lu ngebaca ini semua. lu tau. tapi lu pura2 ga tau. how could it be ? okay, it's crazy to pretend that I don't think of you, so here I am here for you ,if you'd only care .....  

But those words may forever stay in my heart-locked inside.
Sometimes I wonder if there are words locked inside you too... but I'll never know.
hahahha inilah random post seorang cewek jam 4 pagi, nunggu tuh cowok bangun, tapi ga bakal bangun. the silence isn't so bad, soalnya bisa menulis post2 kayak gini .. hem .. alone in the night, thinking of you, and when I think of you, I don't feel so alone ....~ :) 
gw lebih milih kata2 itu keluar, sayangnya tangan gw lebih lincah mengetik tuts-tuts ini daripada mulut ini berbicara ... lalalala ..~ and honestly, yang membuat gw pertama kali tergugah dan membuka pikiran lu adalah dari ..... kata2 lu. yap. but action is more important than words, right ?  ...

Somebody wants you, 
somebody needs you
somebody dreams about you every single night 
somebody can't breath, without you it's lonely
somebody hopes that one day you will see, 
that somebody's me .... :) 
( Somebody's me - Enrique Iglesias) 


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