"There was once a girl from Nantucket"

1:04:00 AM Valencia Ng 0 Comments

Nonton ini ga ? Did you hear about the Morgans ? 
seinget gw, gw nonton ini dvdnya di rumah 
okay, ini cukup ngelawak.. hahaha .. 
ceritanya sepasang suami istri sukses banget gitu 
cuma ya ... mereka mau cerai, ga punya anak pula
tapi one day, secara ga sengaja mereka jadi saksi 
suatu kasus pembunuhan, dan pembunuhnya nyadar
and pengen ngebunuh mereka, supaya ga ketauan .. 
karena itu, mereka akhirnya dilindungi gitu dari kepolisian
dan diasingin ke suatu tempat terpencil untuk beberapa waktu
berdua... sama penduduk asli sana ... 
awalnya canggung, tapi lama2 yeah, klise, they fall in love again .. 
sampe suatu saat tuh cewek ga sengaja nelpon ke sekretarisnya
dan ke detect sama tuh pembunuh, dan pembunuh itu datengin! 
hahahah .. endingnya, sudah pasti dan sudah bisa ditebak, 
happy ending, pembunuhnya ditangkep, terus mereka punya anak 
anak adopsi gitu, dari china ahhahah

 yup ini bagian so sweetnya .. pas malem2 berdua ngomongin marriage vow nya mereka .....

Meryl : "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds or bends with the remover to remove. O no ! it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken." It's Shakespeare, from our wedding.
Paul : Was he there ? We never got his gift.
Meryl : It was my vows to you.
Paul : I know. I know. Although, at the time, I thought you'd written them. I was so disappointed when I found out.
Meryl : Do you remember your vows to me ?
Paul : "There was once a girl from Nantucket". No, that's not it. That's not it. That's not it.
Meryl : No, it's all right. It was a long time ago.
Paul : I promise never to take you for granted or utter a word unkind. Never allow my affections to be recanted or stop marveling at your behind. To also marvel at your warmth, your wit, your refusal to condone animal slaughter, your wisdom, your laugh, your inability to boil water. To be your best friend for the rest of my life and to thank the God you're not sure about for fooling you into being my wife. And the next thing I heard was : "Do you, Meryl Judith Becker, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband ?"
Meryl : And I said, "I do."
Paul : You did, and then I heard : "Do you, Paul Michael Morgan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife ?"
Meryl : And your mother said, "He doesn't ! '"
Paul : But I ignored her, and then I heard : "I now pronounce you man and wife." And then I don't remember.
Meryl : "You may kiss the bride."
Paul : Right, right. Right.
Meryl : You may kiss the bride.
Paul : Yes. And then we had the buffet, beginning with the meatless pigs in blankets.
Meryl : You may kiss the bride.
Paul : May I ? You sure ?
Meryl : I'm wavering, honestly.


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